Life in service to others presents unique challenges. We are all susceptible to burn out, strained relationships, compassion fatigue, and much more. These are common experiences when working with high human need, and it's right that you receive support and care. Whether it's space to process, training tools, or personal development- we're here for you.

Personal Care & Support
We provide online support for individuals, couples, families, and teams. Through virtual meetings, we partner with you to identify the joys and difficulties associated with your role and assist developing a plan of care aimed at wellbeing. Individual care sessions as well as care packages are available.
Debriefs are a way to process and reflect upon an experience or series of experiences and can be provided after long stents of service, at the end of employment, or following a difficult situation. Debriefs are provided to individuals, families, and teams and can be completed online or in person with opportunities ranging from 3 hours to full 2–5 day debrief intensives.


Our team members are experts on various topics related to pastoral, staff, and mental health care. From seminars to conferences, we provide speakers for the themes and topics your group is interested in exploring. Some recent events and topics have included:
Leadership Conference: Caring Well for One’s Team
Women’s Seminar: Identifying, Understanding, and Managing our Anxieties
Marriage Seminar: Keys to Strengthening Your Marriage
Finding Rest for Your Soul
Caring For Others
Topics Upon Request

Navigating the complexities of re-entry can be challenging. Re-entry coaching plays a crucial role in maximizing the positive impact of returning back and turning what could be a challenging transition into an opportunity for personal and professional growth.
A Re-Entry Coach can play a vital role in creating a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages personal and spiritual growth for the returning global worker and contribute to a more culturally aware and globally minded community.
Coaching requires your commitment & dedication to work. You'll be asked questions that allow you to pause and hear from God in profound ways, maybe unlike ever before. We’ll uncover what you might need to let go of and create a customized plan of action that will work for you.
Click below for more information and course descriptions.
Trainings are offered in-person or virtually. Each course is led by Masters-level or above trainers and provides a strong Biblical and Clinical foundation for working in high-human need and trauma environments. We aim to equip you with comprehensive knowledge and tools for your life and service to others. Some of our courses include:
Trauma-Informed Care (2-day training)
Children in Crisis Training
Compassion Fatigue - Wounds from the Work
Transitional Stress
Member Care

For teams, departments, or entire organizations; the Safe Place team leads and facilitates retreats in-person or online for the purpose of rest, care, team building, and renewed strength. These retreats provide an opportunity for staff to pause, self-reflect, and experience greater relational connection with co-laborers.
For couples with at least one spouse serving in missions/ministry/human services context, these facilitated intensives provide a time of debriefing, processing, and connection with one another. Each intensive is offered in person over the course of 2 days and gives couples the opportunity to explore the specific impact of life in service on the marriage relationship. Couples will receive care and tangible tools related to moving forward in partnership well together. Some topics discussed could include:
Developing Emotional & Relational Safety
The Art of Yielding in Marriage
Conflict Resolution
Identifying Needs
Navigating Seasons of Change & Stress
Sexual Connection